Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

Supplies of traditional batik

"If you take a walk in Jogjakarta, you should take the time to learn batik"

Batik fabrics are beautiful and interesting tentun not be separated from how cunning craftsman's hands in the process. Various ways can be done to create this traditional karyaseni and of course with tenacity in using traditional techniques naturally capable of producing batik cloth with ceceg-ceceg motifs that form a lovely pattern will make the value of batik is high compared with the batik technique like a modern stamp, printing, screen printing and so forth. In traditional batik making some equipment to be prepared, including:

A. Pendulum
Pendulum is made of tin, or wood, or stone which bagged. Principal function is to hold the pendulum new mori dibatik that are not easily displaced by the wind, or pull the batik is not accidental. So without pendulum batik work can be carried out

B. Stools
Stool is the seat of the batik, height adjustable to the height of people sitting at batik

C. Gawangan
Gawangan made ​​of wood or bamboo is easily moveable and sturdy. Gawangan function is to hang the cloth and spread when using a canting will batik

D. Pan
Skillet is a tool to melt the "night" (wax for batik). Pan made ​​of steel metal, or clay. Skillet should be stemmed so easily raised and lowered from the fireplace without the use of other tools. Therefore, the pan is made of clay better than that of metals because the stem is not easy to heat. But a bit slow clay pan heat the "night".

E. Anglo (Stove)
Anglo made ​​of clay, or other materials. Anglo is the fireplace as a heating appliance "night". Stove made ​​from iron with a given axis .. When using the stove, then the material to make a fire is wood charcoal. If you use wood stove was replaced with cool, cool is what many people used in the villages. Cool in principle the same as the brazier, but not graded.

F. Side:
Side: this is not used if using a stove fireplace. Side: is a tool to raise the fire according to needs; made ​​of bamboo. In addition to side:, used also ilir. And ilir side: in essence the same, only different in form. Side: rectangular and tapered on one side of the stem width and located at the pointed part of it.

G. Table cloth
Cloth serves to cover and protect from dripping wax batik thigh night from canting.

H. Kemplongan
Kemplongan is a tool made of wood and a hammer-shaped table beater tool is used to smooth the cloth before it was given motif pattern and dibatik.

I. Canting
Canting is a tool for painting or drawing with wax graffiti on the night of cloth. This canting batik determine the name that will be produced into batik. This tool is made from a combination of copper and wood or bamboo that have a flexible and lightweight nature. Batik Canting to consist of the handle / stem made of bamboo, nyamplungan / body canting (a liquid wax) and Carat / beak (where the discharge of wax batik time) made of copper. This canting batik patterns are used to write with a liquid wax (night). According to its function is batten-rengan canting (for batik batten batikan rengan first-fit pattern or no pattern) and the canting Isen (for batik field content.) According to the little big beak beak is small, medium and large. According to the existing number of front line canting cecekan / cucuk one, canting Loron / cucuk two, canting telon / cucuk three, canting Prapatan / front line four, canting liman / cucuk five, canting byok / beak seven or more and canting renteng / galaran (bercucuk even arranged from top to bottom).
Along with the development time of new innovations now being developed in the form of electronic canting. Canting electronics consists of three main parts, namely container vessel batik wax or night, the shaft holder, and temperature control device which controls the temperature of canting. One other advantage, half of canting can be removed and replaced with the desired size. All types of part-canting, ie ceceg, klowong, tembogan, ceceg double, and double klowong could be placed on the body canting. Whereas in traditional canting, these five types separately.

J. Mori
Mori is the raw material of cotton batik. Mori Kwalitet diverse, and determines a good or bad kind of batik cloth produced.
Mori required according to the length desired fabric. Mori short length is typically not a definite standard, but with the traditional size. The traditional size is called "handkerchief". Handkerchief handkerchief is usually square. So-called "sekacu" is size square mori, mori widths taken from them. So long sekacu of a species will vary with the length mori sekacu from other types mori.

K. Candles ("Tonight")
Candles or "night" means material that is used for batik. Actually "night" is not empty (missing), because eventually taken back to mbabar process, the process of making batik work until batikan into cloth. "Night" used to different batik with wax or regular wax. Night for batik is quickly absorbed through the fabric but can easily escape when the pelorotan.

L. Pattern
The pattern is a motif in a certain size as an example mori motif that will dibuat.Ukuran there are two kinds of patterns. A pattern is a pattern of length-width mori. Pattern B is the pattern that one-third length mori, or a third of the length of the pattern A. if patterns A 1 / 4 handkerchief, ola B 1 / 12 handkerchief; Pattern A ½ handkerchief, a pattern B 1 / 6 handkerchief. The meaning of the pattern of ¼, ½ or 1 / 3 handkerchief pattern width is 1 / 4, ½, or 1 / 3 the size of a side sekacu mori. But the size of the patterns A and B are often not what is said above, because each piece is not used in mori, mori, or because the size is not always the same width.

- Supplies Batik Cap
Batik is related to the development of human resources and also think the technology. Dalama construction began on the economic value that is with the advent of manufacturing techniques using a stamp. Making batik with this technique at a glance looks similar to batik, but when seen further sangant different from batik production direct hand (handmade). However on this occasion I tried to convey some of the equipment needed in mebuat printed batik including:

A. Mattresses (bearings)
Mattress pads are made of cotton wrapped in a cloth, serves as a cushion layer of cloth that will be stamped.

B. Table cloth
These cloths are made of cotton fabric which is used to layer mattress

C. Stove
Tebuat of iron by using the axis, serves to melt the wax fireplace at night

D. Anglo Large
Anglo is made of earthenware which berfungi for the furnace is placed inside the stove to the fireplace. Use of this Anglo to protect the flame from the wind so the fire can burn more calm.

E. Table
This table is made of wood that serves to put the mattress pads.

F. Brass
Pan made of iron and shaped like a wok with flat base and a diameter of 40 cm, brass candle holder serves for the night when heated.

G. Angsang
Angsang is made of copper with a surface of woven strimin placed on a baking sheet. Angsang serves for the foundation layer on the surface of the pan.

H. Coarse and Fine Hoarse Hoarse
Rough and smooth husky husky is made of cotton fabric with a shape like gauze serves as a layer on the angsang to put the stamp when shooting night that had melted wax.

I. Londo
The form of a small vase filled with water and ash which is used to wet the mattress used in order to remain wet as it used to put mori time will be branded.

J. Cap Tool
Stamp tool is made of copper with a combination of iron with a surface to form motif. This stamp serves to put the candle night with batik motifs on the surface of cloth

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