Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

Maguwoharjo Stadium

"Every time I go home to Sleman, I never forget to visit the Stadium Maguwoharjo where the stadium is the pride of which is owned by citizens of Sleman. The stadium was given the nickname the San Siro stadium Mini because of its well-known in Italy as the San Siro"

Maguwoharjo stadium built by the Government of Sleman District as an alternative to the Stadium which is home base Tridadi PSS Sleman in recent seasons.
Sleman great public interest, especially slemania, in support of PSS every time competing in the cage making capacity at the Stadium Tridadi been unable to accommodate spectators.

In the period 2004 to 2006 that has built a stadium of international standard. This decision was taken after considering ketidaklayaan Tridadi stadium to host major league teams to Indonesia.

The stadium was built in the village was officially Maguwoharjo can be used as a cage PSS Sleman in following competitions Main Divisi Liga Indonesia 2007. By having the capacity to 35,000 spectators make Maguwoharjo stadium able to accommodate all the spectators who watch their favorite teams, PSS Sleman while playing, even supporters can accommodate up to 10,000 visitors.

The stadium has an official name Maguwoharjo International Stage (MIS) is considered as one of the best stadiums in Indonesia besides Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta, Jakabaring Stadium in Palembang, and Jalak Harupat Stadium in Bandung Regency. In fact, Maguwoharjo stadium once used by the Indonesian national team in conducting test match.

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