Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

The Labuhan Ceremony in Mt Merapi

The Labuhan Ceremony in Mt. Merapi

Mt. Merapi is another important sacred place for the Karaton (palace) of Yogyakarta. the magical axis of Yogyakarta are: The South sea in the south, The Karaton of Yogyakarta in the middle and Mt. Merapi in the north.
(for detail of Mt. Merapi)

The spiritual rulers of Merapi have a strong traditional relation also to Panembahan Senopati, the first ruler of the second Mataram Kingdom. They promised to protect the safety of Mataram Kingdom and now to Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. To preserve the relation, Karaton Yogyakarta assigns a special employee as Jurukunci (gate keeper), stationed in the village of Kinahrejo, in the southern slope of the volcano.

The present Jurukunci is the native of Kinahrejo, his name is mBah (grand-father) Maridjan. His sole loyalty is only to the Sultan of Yogyakarta. A day after the commemoration of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X coronation, the Sultan’s messengers brought the necessary offerings to the house of mBah Maridjan, his name as court employee is Mas Ngabehi Suraksohargo.

The Ritual

The ritual is conducted as in accordance with the long years of inherited tradition. Usually, the ceremony is also attended by a lot of people, wishing to: ngalap berkah – to get a blessing from the Creator of the world. The biting cold temperature in the night in the slope of Merapi is not considered as serious obstacle. Even some people have been waiting the whole night in the place of ceremony which begin early in the morning.

The offerings are meant to honor Eyang Kanjeng Pangeran (The Lordly grand-father) Prince Sapujagad, a great respected leader of the founding-fathers of the second Mataram Kingdom.

Prince Anom Suryongalam; Eyang Kyai Udononggo and Nyai Udononggo and Kyai Juru Taman. Their domains are in several places in Merapi, respectively in the places locally known as: Turgo, Plawangan, Wukir Rinenggo, nearby Selogajah and Gua Rekso.

In the evening a proper preparation followed by a prayer were held in Kinahrejo. At around 4 o’clock in the morning, the procession moved to the place of Labuhan, it took 2,5 hours to reach Kendit. The offerings were carried by some court employees and some are carried by horses.

The items of the offerings are almost similar with the ones in the South Sea, among other important things are: several motifs of "nyamping", cloths for lower garment, destar, headresses, waistbands, "sumekan", breastcloths of several designs, perfume, body lation, incense and fragrant incense etc, a complete set of horse saddle and shoes are also in the list of Labuhan.

The morning cool fresh air of the mountain created more solemn and magical situation of the ceremony.

At the end of the ceremony, some items were distributed to the participants.

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