Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

Choosing a quality bike

Choosing Quality
So that no one in determining the choice, you should first determine how much your bike spending budget, then find a bike that fit with our budget. If bujetnya only 800 thousand dollars, look for a bike at that price. Do not be easily tempted and bought a bike too far over budget that is prepared.
Some things to note:
a. Shockbreaker determine performance on the track off road. Kind of expensive usually more comfortable.
b. Components determine the traction tire to road surface, preferably a lightweight frame material only (aluminum, titanium or carbon)
c. A good bike is the bike comfortable to wear and do not make the tired rider.
d. Create a beginner, you should select the model of MB cross-country or trail because it's easier

Indeed, the more expensive price of a bike the better the quality. Adage prices will not cheat and there is no way the price'.

Rather than questioning the prestige, more important for you to prove that even with a cheap bike but you better at the ramp, more versed in off-road terrain, and his endurance is stronger, and more polite in bicycle riding.
While, of course, set aside some money for the future you can upgrade your bike or buy a bike that is more in accordance with the wishes.

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